
  • Distance from Faro: 36km
  • Travel from Faro to Conceicao by Train: €2,50 (less than 1km from the centre of Cabanas).
  • Travel from Faro to Tavira by Bus: €2,88, bus from Tavira €1,70
  • Travel from Faro by Taxi: €40 / €50 for a 4 or 6 seater (6am to 9pm weekdays); €48 / €59 (outside of this time and holidays).

To get to Faro train or bus station (which are close to each other just before Faro marina) either get the bus from the airport (the stop is right outside the 'arrivals' doors) and will cost you around €1.50, or get a taxi at a cost of around €10. To check train timetables visit the C.P website (the site is available in English) and select 'Regional and Inter Regional services' to get the timetable for Lagos/Vila Real de Santo Antonio/Lagos.

For bus timetables visit Again most of it is available in English except the 'frequency' on the tables. (Days of the week: Monday is the 2nd day of the week - '2as'-and Friday is the 6th day. 'Sabado' and 'Domingo' - Saturday and Sunday; 'Feriados' is holidays; 'Diariamente' is daily,). Buses from the 'aeroporto' into Faro are also listed.

Group-A hire car costs from about £180 for a week (all-inclusive), why not try-

Please note that prices may vary.